Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Salam ramadhan buat teman-temanku.......

Rasanya belum terlewat lagi untuk ku mengucapkan salam ramadhan buat semua walaupun hari ini sudah masuk hari ke 15 kita menjalani ibadah puasa..... sungguh cepat rasanyer perjalanan ramadhan ini...sedar x sedar sudah lebih 2 minggu kita berada di bulan ramadhan kan.....

salam ramadhan buat semua....

Thursday, March 25, 2010

"Little dreams of helianthus"


its look cute and beautiful right?

bismillah and hello every one...

My name linda...im really loved and enjoy baking. As a child im always helping my mother to baked a caked and it also my hobby. Now it’s not only just a hobby but I also as a part time job to earn extra money.

My business name is “Little dreams of helianthus” because its not only a special name for me but more related to my self, I also want to give something special to the reader out side to celebrate the birthday ,anniversary, or a party with your friend. Each cake is home-baked and individually handcrafted to your design. Only the freshest and best quality ingredients are used to ensure that your cake taste as good as it looks.

How can i order ?

Cakes can be ordered online, by phone or email. Please provide details as per Order Enquiry Form. I will respond as soon as possible with pricing details. The more information you give me, the more perfect your cake will be. I can accept drawings/designs/photos via email. A simple sketch or picture will clarify your thoughts and help me to design your cake.

Tel: 012 – 3456789 @ Email: littledreams_helianthus@yahoo.com
Address: No 50 Jln Mahligai Indah
Taman Cempaka 2,
48500 Kuala Lumpur

"Little dreams of helianthus"

Enquiry Form

To discuss a cake design and/or get a quote, please complete the form below. I will respond as soon as possible.

Your name



Occasion (birthday etc)

Brief Description of cake design

How many people (servings)

Cake Type/Flavour

Collection date

Words on Cake and no. of candles required& Other comments

Pricing & Notice

Prices are dependent on the cake/cup cake type, flavor, size and complexity of design. Contact us for a more accurate quote.Orders should be placed at least 10 days before the required date. For very special designs that require more research, please give me as much notice as possible. If you need a big cake for a big celebration, the more advanced notice the better. Fruit cakes require at least 1 month notice for the flavor to mature.


For the collection of the cake, you can see below. Not all the collection are showing below. For more detail you can contact or come and visit us.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

8:30 pm SATURDAY 27 MARCH 2010


Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million homes and businesses turned their lights off for one hour to make their stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating. Global landmarks such as the, Sydney Harbour Bridge, The CN Tower in Toronto, The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome’s Colosseum, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.

Earth Hour is organized by WWF. With almost 5 million supporters and a global network in over 100 countries, it’s one of the world's largest and most respected independent conservation organizations. WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the Earth's natural environment and build a future where people live in harmony with nature.

Put simply,why we involve because our future depends on it! Earth Hour has done a lot to raise awareness of climate change issues. But there’s more to it than switching off lights for one hour once a year. It’s all about giving people a voice on the future of our planet and working together to create a sustainable low carbon future for our planet.

New economic modeling indicates the world has just five years to initiate a low carbon industrial revolution before runaway climate change becomes almost inevitable. But it can be done, and the long term benefits will be enormous. So now's the time to take a stand and give world leaders the mandate they need to make the right climate deal & The future can be bright

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Human resources is a term used to describe the individuals who comprise the workforce of an organization, although it is also applied in labor economics to, for example, business sectors or even whole nations.

Human resources is also the name of the function within an organization charged with the overall responsibility for implementing strategies and policies relating to the management of individuals (i.e. the human resources). This function title is often abbreviated to the initials 'HR'.

In organizations, it is important to determine both current and future organizational requirements for both core employees and the contingent workforce in terms of their skills/technical abilities, competencies, flexibility etc. The analysis requires consideration of the internal and external factors that can have an effect on the resourcing, development, motivation and retention of employees and other workers.

The external factors are those largely out-with the control of the organization and include issues such as the economic climate, current and future trends of the labor market e.g. skills, education level, government investment into industries etc. On the other hand internal influences are broadly within the control of the organization to predict determine and monitor, for example the organizational culture underpinned by management behavior (or style), environmental climate and the approach to ethical and corporate social responsibility.

A comprehensive Human Resource Strategy plays a vital role in the achievement of an organization's overall strategic objectives and visibly illustrates that the human resources function fully understands and supports the direction in which the organization is moving. A comprehensive HR Strategy will also support other specific strategic objectives undertaken by the marketing, financial, operational and technology departments.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

beauty in DECISIONS

The experience of "beauty" often involves the interpretation of some entity as being in balance and harmony with nature , which may lead to feelings of attraction and emotional well-being. Because this is a subjective experience, it is often said that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." In its most profound sense, beauty may engender a salient experience of positive reflection about the meaning of one's own existence.Beauty is anything that resonates with personal meaning.

That why It is important to take decisions at the right time. Postponing a decision can prove more harmful than taking it.

Mistakes need not always be bad. In fact, mistakes are usually "good" if we learn from them. Besides, we recognize a mistake as one, only in hindsight. Yet, the fear of making mistakes keeps many people from making decisions, which is undoubtedly a "bad" mistake. In business, not making a decision is much more harmful than making a wrong decision.

As an entrepreneur, a key lesson I have learned is about the importance of decision-making. We are faced with so many different dilemmas almost every business day, and each of them requires us to make decisions. When we are unsure, we tend to avoid making decisions and in the process end up losing time, money and opportunities.

Fear of wrong or bad decisions can keep us needlessly immobilized, because when we make decisions, we want to be certain of the outcome. But is a guaranteed outcome ever possible? There are a multitude of factors influencing the outcome of any business decision, and many of them are beyond our control. So, we can, at most, make a calculated guess and minimize our risk of making the wrong decision. Risk is inherent in any business. Even random probability tells us that 50 per cent of all our decisions will be wrong. But the remaining 50 per cent would be right. And that's good news, right? By making no decision, we effectively forfeit this 50 per cent chance of success.

Another advantage of making prompt decisions is that if it turns out to be unfavorable, you can salvage the situation faster. If you ask the biggest and most successful businessmen what they attribute their success to, they would say that it is their ability to make prompt decisions - not "right" decisions. To be able to make prompt decisions, we must let go of our need to always be right. It is impossible for any one person to be 100 per cent right at all times. Because the factors are not in our control, we can never be sure of making the right decision. For example, what is right today may not be right a year later when our country's economic conditions get different or the competitive landscape has transformed.

Another thing about decision-making is that you get better with practice. Every time you make a decision, you learn something. So, the more decisions you make, the sharper your decision-making faculty becomes Or as someone once said,

"Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions."

More about this article


Actually I'm always use the name HELIANTHUS to wrote anything about me..my friends always want to know why and what is mea
ning behind the name of " HELIANTHUS".

Actually is the genus name one of many in the Asteraceae that are known as sunflowers.Just because i like the yellow color and in the same time i also like the sun flower because its color,so i use the " helianthus " name....i think the yellow color has the own meaning in my life...

I still remember...since I'm at the standard school,i really fanatic with yellow...i always want all my stuff in yellow,my cloth,bag,pencil,and anything i want in yellow.For me yellow is
beautiful and cute...I want use yellow to describe my personality but that time i don't no what the best name t describe it,starting from that i try search another name that related to yellow...and i found 'HELIANTHUS'.

Its is a name of sun flower but its okay as long as is
YELLOW...and till now I'm still use that name.But now when i grow up i try to control my feeling about yellow...now not all my in yellow and only setern thing in yellow...but yellow still my favorite color...

From my searching about the

" Yellow shines with optimism, enlightenment, and happiness. Shades of golden yellow carry the promise of a positive future. Yellow will advance from surrounding colors and instill optimism and energy, as well as spark creative thoughts ".

Of course not all from that i agree...but for me,yellow can make me happy and give me an energy when I'm in the situation of stress n sadness...yellow also effect my mentally and physically.It also make me think positive when something happen in our life.Everything happen in our life has a meaning,only us don't know that until we recognize and feel the its.

Yellow also describe about friendship... Friendship is a blessing, and a friend is the channel through whom great emotional, spiritual, and sometimes even physical blessings flow. Friends can cheer us when we’re sorrowful or depressed. Friends can challenge us when we allow ourselves to get beyond our reasonable boundaries. Friends also can motivate us when we’re ready to give in, and they can provide for us when life falls apart.

They are there when all is well, and we want someone with whom to share life’s pleasant and memorable moments.
So if we want to appreciate our friend..try to give them something in yellow color...but for the girl watch out if the boy give you yellow flower....you have to know the whether that's for propose you as his " special friend" or just only for his best friend....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

...little about ME....

Salam to all of you and hello to non muslim....

My name Nur Azlinda bte Ab Aziz. Im student Human Resource in UiTM Bandaraya Melaka. Nothing special about me...but what im know..i have a great family in my life....Im only have 6 members in my family..My parents..me...2 beloved younger brother and the only special one...my younger sister...

My cool father is AB AZIZ B OTHMAN while my lovely mother CHEKU FAUZIAH BT CHEKU SEMAN.One of their similar are,they celebrate birthday at the same date....
My younger brother name Nik Mohd Amirul Iman and Mohd Ameer Ferdaus while my younger sister is Nur Ain.

dont you think its looks like my family member right?

why i love my family...why i like my family....
just 1 thing that i can describe about them..



My family is my inspiration...

My family is always give me support to be strength in my life.Even thought we may not at all the time together. They always says
" dont forget where we come and be a great daughter and a brave women in your life".dont forget we always love you all our hearth"...what happen in your life...you must face it"...



Tuesday, March 9, 2010
